Keywords: sustainable development, sustainability, environmental safety, economic stability, social wellbeing


At the center of economic and social  development of environmentally friendly business there is a concept of sustainable development, which was originally formulated for solving problems of society. However it has eventually become the basis for the study of trends in enterprise development. An important element of the sustainability management system is the choice of mechanisms for responding to changes in the operating environment. The article clarifies the term “the sustainable development of an enterprise” as well as the essence of approaches to the classification of types of enterprise sustainability. It is emphasized that sustainable development at the micro level is possible when a balanced solution to problems of an economic, social and environmental components is provided. The proposed concept of sustainable enterprise management has two levels: theoretical one, which implies the formation of theoretical foundations of sustainable development as a basis for the development of new management approaches from the standpoint of sustainability; practical one, which should ensure the prediction of sustainability of enterprises. The universality of the concept has been proved by constructing a casual loop diagram to illustrate the interaction of influence factors among themselves and on the sustainable development of the enterprise. The authors consider that the interactions of existing subsystems of enterprise generate and increase a certain level of enterprise development potential, which can be the basis for the further development of the company. For implementation of the concept in management practices there has been proposed a schematic expression of the conceptual model which represents stages and tools the implementation of which will provide a solution to the problem of managing enterprise sustainable development. The authors consider that the shifts in sustainable management will allow enterprises to implement the integrated policy of managing needed changes, which will help to optimize business processes, to ensure the necessary level of transparency in the functioning and compliance with the foundations of sustainable development.


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