In this work, issues such as the current state, the role of the agricultural sector in the Ukrainian economy and the need to realize its potential through modern technologies were considered. The necessity of introducing innovations in agricultural production was substantiated. The aim of the article is to study the macroeconomic conditions for the management of innovation in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The components of the innovative macroeconomic environment of the national agricultural sector were investigated and systematized. Such theme as the influence of international, political and legal, informational, economic, scientific, technical, ecological and socio-cultural environment on the implementation of innovations in agricultural production was disclosed. It was revealed that the agrarian sector of Ukraine has a real need not only for the external attraction of funds for financing innovative projects that will significantly increase the competitiveness of agricultural production, but also it needs the state support of sustainable development of rural areas, environmental protection, introduction of new standards of quality and ecological safety of products, adaptation of the industry climate. Scientific and technological progress is recognized as the basis of economic growth and competitiveness for agricultural production. It was proposed to combine the achievements of scientific and technological progress, economic reform, reform in the field of personnel training, the inclusion of science in all production spheres that will lead to the increasing the efficiency of functioning of the agro-industrial complex of the state. For Ukraine, the introduction of environmentally friendly production is vital. Agricultural producers are obliged to comply with the principle of minimal material resources and minimal environmental impact in the process of production of the necessary volumes of products of established quality. An important macroeconomic aspect of managing innovation in the agricultural sector of Ukraine is the creation of a logistics and information infrastructure. It was proposed to increase the attention of the socio-cultural component of the development of rural territories, to move from declarativeness in the regulatory framework of agricultural legislation to the development and implementation of social standards and norms in rural areas.
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