• Tetyana Shedyakova
  • Valentina Shapoval
Keywords: innovative entrepreneurship, state policy, high technologies, competitiveness, scientific and technical potential


The article analyzes the features of entrepreneurial activity in developed countries, as well as the significance of state influence on the implementation of entrepreneurial innovations. Some recommendations are given for improving the motivational mechanism of innovation in Ukraine based on the experience of these countries. In the framework of the article, the authors attempt to comprehend systematically the general laws of the development of innovative entrepreneurship in post-information economy type. The study identifies theoretical and methodological aspects of formation of scientific understanding about this kind of entrepreneurial activities and addresses possible scenarios for its development in Ukraine; article also identifies internal mechanisms for the use of innovations at the enterprises in leading countries and the conditions under which it should be used. The essence, history and evolution of innovative entrepreneurship and its components, as well as the author’s approach to its implementation in managerial activities as one of the modern instruments of increase of enterprises competitiveness are described. The modern worldwide economy necessitates the need for new products and services, as well as it needs the more dynamic development of consumer markets, so one of the main tasks of article is to represent innovative entrepreneurship at various levels. A special feature of this process is the leading role of international market and their active interaction with professional, public and other business associations in different countries. Besides, the article summarizes the experience of the emergence, development and evolution of national enterprises in the context of their integration into the world economy, as well as the search for methods to overcome common difficulties and problems arising in the way of this integration. The study determinates the place and role of innovative entrepreneurship in marketing system as an actual mechanism for supporting the Ukrainian economy and its structural layers. Authors have analyzed mistakes in innovations implementation to business projects and enterprises, as well as to solve problems that impede the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the national economy.


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