Keywords: rural territories, regional development, infrastructure development index, economy


The article is devoted to the research of problems of the level of development of the infrastructure of Vinnytsia region and development of practical recommendations for improvement of its use. The formation of an adequate infrastructure market is one of the most important and necessary conditions for the transformation of economic relations in the region. It is emphasized that the infrastructure plays a key role in the development of the economy of Vinnytsia region, since its existence is connected with the state of productive forces and territorial division of labor, as well as the efficiency of functioning of the sphere of material production.  The infrastructure arrangement of the regional economy depends, on the one hand, on the pace of modernization and, on the other, the supplier of economic growth itself. It is established that the budgetary provision of local authorities with their own revenues, improving the efficiency of intergovernmental relations mechanisms is an important task in the formation and development of local communities in rural areas, which leads to the search for new possible solutions within the existing legislation. Mechanisms of financial and economic support for the development of the infrastructure of rural areas should be based on the formation of additional sources of local budget revenues by introducing and differentiating real estate tax of different consumer qualities, stimulating the use of innovative and resource-saving technologies, removing administrative barriers, establishing technological regulations, rules and regulations.  standards for the design and construction of infrastructure. One way to solve the problem of financial support for rural communities is to use marketing tools as a modern technology for managing rural development and as a function of managing local governments. It is suggested that the prospect of development of the infrastructure index in general is the creation of a large number of united territorial communities in the region in accordance with the Perspective plan of formation of territories of communities of Vinnytsia region.  As a result, it will be possible to look forward to attracting a large amount of funds from the State Regional Development Fund as a targeted subvention for the development of the infrastructure of the newly formed united communities.


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