The management structure of the capital is one of the key moments of the financial sector of the industrial business, it is the reason of the same enterprise, the efficiency of the economic, economic self-sustainability of the financial institutions. For example, the formation of a pertinent structure industrial partnership of the capital is necessary for a new sub-efficient effective function. The conducted research has shown that, it is necessary to take into account the link between the financial leverage of the financial structure and the property structure when you are managing the capital structure of industrial enterprises and taking into account financial stability, and after comparing understand which one can assess the effectiveness of the management of the structure of capital. In addition, the research of the capital structure of the enterprise was carried out by comparing the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and the return on investment capital (ROIC). As a result, it was established that according to the methodology, the capital structure of Motor Sich JSC does not have an optimal structure, therefore the company should review the policy of capital management. We have proposed measures to improve the capital structure of this enterprise, the main of which is to increase the amount of borrowed capital in order to maximize return on equity, and it is important to increase both the income derived from the use of borrowed funds and to ensure that the profitability of new investments exceeds the weighted average cost of capital to decrease the cost of capital.Further development of this topic we consider to the study of comparison of several variants of the ratio of own and borrowed capital of the enterprise and using the method of economic modeling to identify the impact of different ratios on the financial state of the enterprise, on the results of its activities, which will allow you to choose the most optimal structure of capital.
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