The article is devoted to the content of the concept of «economy» in the context of the managing factors of enterprises profitability, formation of their foreign economic relations and export orientation. There were emphasized globalized aspects of the preconditions that determine the factors and circumstances of the modern industrial enterprises functioning, peculiarities and variables of macro and micro levels, as well as objects of external and internal environments. There were researched the problems of managing enterprise’s activity under the influence of capital and resources balance, import barriers, exchange rate differences, requirements of IMF, WTO, FTA, EU, competition, quality raw material access, investment, market information and labor. There was interpreted the essence of economic behavior of export-oriented enterprise through the economic basic of their factors of influence. There was build systematized scheme of formation of the content of «economy» in the context of the managing factors of enterprises profitability, market relations condition and globalization. There were presented logic structure of factors evaluation stages in the meaning of defying the financial and economic status of the enterprise. It was researched that the stage of monitoring the effect of previous period’s factors is significant element of providing profitability status on the level of producing export-oriented products as well as ensuring instrument of making manufacturing plan. In addition, it was underlined the evolutionary aspects of interpreting the term «factor» as an economic category that modified with the development of market relations that connected to the processes of disintegration of command-administrative system, privatization and formation of «economy of physical enterprises». In the end, it was given the view that modern meaning of economic factors depends on the variable activity of enterprise and connected to the usage of labor, financial and manufacturing resources through the aim of making strict strategy of planning, organization, production and marketing.
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