Keywords: human capital, small businesses, entrepreneurial competence, structure of entrepreneurial competence


Human capital is considered to be one of the main factors driving economic and social transformation. Businesses define their human capital as a competitive advantage, taking into account the totality of its knowledge, competences and abilities. The rational use of human capital contributes to the development of small business, which in turn contributes to the employment of the employment population and is the main indicator of the realization of human capital opportunities. The article uses a wide range of theoretical and empirical methods of scientific knowledge: theoretical generalization – in refining the conceptual apparatus “human capital”; scientific abstraction – in determining the categorical apparatus of “entrepreneurial competence”; statistical methods of comparative analysis – in determining the main indicators of small business development in Poltava region; graphic image – in visualizing the results of the study. The concept of “human capital” was a study and conditionally divided this definition into two groups. The first group includes definitions that reflect the essence of human capital in a narrow sense as a body of knowledge, the second group of definitions characterizes a more general approach to the concept of human capital. The main indicators of small business development in the Poltava region are analyzed and the correlation between the development of small businesses in the regions and human capital is determined. It is found that modern scholars do not define the value of entrepreneurial competence as a component of human capital. The structure of entrepreneurial competence, which includes components: organizational-managerial, pilot-project, investor, communicative, personal, which need to be developed in the course of study at higher educational establishments for successful business activity is proposed. Activities and proposals for improving the quality of human capital, taking into account the formation of entrepreneurial competence were developed.


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