The one way of how the enterprise could compete in the promotion the market value is the integration process based on the core competencies. Because of this, the problem of rational resource support organizing of such integrated association functioning has become extremely popular. The hypothesis of the research is coming up with the idea about the necessity of extending the criterion for resource optimization to corporate strategy. The purpose of this paper is to develop the theoretical explanation of integrated enterprise association recourse saving management process development. The business-engineering framework and the design and engineering methodology for organizations (DEMO) have been used for describing the resource-saving mechanism functioning. The usage of the stakeholder’s paradigm for such mechanism functioning development has been offered. The main idea here is the improvement of stakeholder’s negotiation process about the guidelines and strategies of resource conservation. The understanding of the enterprise resource strategy has been expanded through the organizational capabilities concept adding. The possibility for the decentralized resource-saving approach implementation to the strategic business units within an integrated association has been described. The consistent resource conservation policy has been presented as the main advantage of this resource-saving approach. The business rules system for the resource strategy of integrated enterprise association development and implementation has been justified. Each of these business rules has been presented as a communication process result described by the DEMO methodology. The system of indicators for resource-saving policy implementation monitoring has been put in line with the offered business rules system.
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