The article considered and substantiated the main tools for increasing the competitiveness of railroad construction enterprises of Ukraine. Tools are nowadays essential in enhancing the competitiveness of domestic railcar manufacturing companies. They should form the basis of a competitiveness enhancement mechanism. Competitiveness tools are divided into micro and macro environments. The microenvironments include: marketing, financial, technical, economic, managerial; Macroenvironment include: political, legal, social and cultural, NTP, demographic, resource, market and industry. The results of studies at domestic wagon companies suggest that in the practice of modern wagon enterprises of the above tools to improve competitiveness are the most effective are the following: commodity and sales policy – because the competitiveness of products determines the competitiveness of the enterprise, in modern economic conditions, characterized by a highly competitive environment. An important task is to develop competitiveness enhancing activities within the framework of the implementation of the commodity policy of railway carriages; import substitution of railway products, as the dependence of domestic industries on the supply of railway products from such countries as: Czech Republic, Korea, USA and others is great; innovation – first of all, in terms of improving the technological and technical levels of railway carriage enterprises; planning and organization of activities, which is explained by the low level of management; diversification of products and enterprises as it determines the firm's resilience in a market environment; control and management of costs that affect the level of profitability and profit of the enterprise. According to the author, the tools for increasing the competitiveness of domestic railroad car manufacturing enterprises should form the basis of the mechanism of increasing the competitiveness. The use in practice of the proposed tools for improving the competitiveness of railroad enterprises should be carried out through the method developed by the author of the formation and implementation of a mechanism for improving the competitiveness of railway carriage enterprises.
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