Nowadays, with the constant growth of both internal and external debts, the need of research the problems of ensuring the debt security of our country is undeniable.The debt problem has two sides. First of all, the state debt is the additional financing, and the second, there is a powerful impact on the national economic security, ability of country to reduce the debt and save the financial and economic sovereignty in general.During the last years, the rapid growth of country`s debts can cause the problems of ability to done the payment obligations. That’s why there is need to determine the impact of national debts on the economy in the aspect of the «debt security». The deterioration of the debt security is determined not only by the level of the state debt, but also by the internal and external debt, that’s why the debt security must consider in the multilevel system of the financial and economic security of state. In this regard, there are the analysis and conclusions of approaches to determine the ‘debt security of the state’ by the domestic scientists in the article that in the narrow sense, is characterized by the efficiency of using both the internal and external loans and also its optimal ratio.The debts for the last three years have been analyzed. The debt security of Ukraine based on its indicators has been appreciate and also the prediction of the state and guaranteed state debt for the next years has been made.One of the indicators of debt security is the GDP that must be less than 60% and it is basis of the stability of state finances. Correlation-regression analysis is the powerful and flexible instrument for the studying of the correlation between the indexes. The economic and mathematical model has built for the prediction of the of the state and guaranteed state debt for three years.The debt security is characterized by increase of volume of the state debt with its indicators at the same time.
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