Each national innovation system (NSI) evolves within a certain basic system, which goes beyond administrative boundaries, and with it, what needs to be taken into account when developing strategies. At the same time, political opportunities to effectively influence such systems are limited, which requires justifying priorities on the Pareto principle and maximizing the effect while minimizing costs. NSI are complex implicitly designed institutions that are built on the co-evolutionary interaction of the scientific sphere, established technologies and innovations, economic relations at the global and local levels, as well as the dominant institutional rules of behavior of entrepreneurs and consumers in society. Consequently, their development in time and space is specific and is due to the coevolution and accumulation of many factors that are heterogeneous, with non-obvious causal connections and with an uncertain force of influence on the final result. Methodology for reliable identification and characteristics of the existing basic types of supranational innovation systems, as well as substantiation of regulators (targets), which the government can effectively influence through policy measures, maximizing the quality development of the system as a whole are proposed. Identification of the basic types of innovation systems and the distribution of NSI between them are built on the methods of cluster analysis, genetic algorithms and neural network training, that is, the methodology of artificial intelligence. The search for targets for the development of national innovation systems is based on the methods of genetic truncation, ranking and Pareto-selection. The priority imperatives of the development of the national innovation system of Ukraine in the medium term are the following: improving the quality of the institutional environment, the development of scientific and educational complex and strengthening its integration with industry, improving the quality of human capital, infrastructure development, the formation of a favorable investment climate.
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