The article defines the role of the tourism industry of Ukraine in ensuring the development of the national economy in the modern conditions. Taking into account the place and role of the tourism industry in the life of society, its allocation has been made one of the priority directions of the development of the national economy, and also the need to generate favorable conditions for its functioning and development has been emphasized. It has been proved that the tourism industry not only directly or indirectly affects most sectors of the national economy, including industry, agriculture, construction, transport, insurance, communications, trade, catering, housing and communal services, public services, culture, arts , sports, etc., but also contributes to their development. The challenges and threats to the functioning of the tourism industry are systematized, and the causal link of their occurrence with the absence of clear strategic plans for the development of the domestic economy is substantiated. It is proved that the low level of competitiveness of domestic tourist products is due to the insufficient level of infrastructure provision of the tourism industry, burdened with high levels of technical and moral depreciation. It is stressed that the national tourism industry at the present stage, having a weak infrastructure, in most cases is not able to provide a competitive offer of tourist services that deprives it of both consumers and investment, and an important function of the restoration of human capital, the national economy imports from other countries of the world, creating a favorable investment environment for them and depriving sources of funding as a tourist industry of the country and the state itself. The existence of a significant relationship between the trends of the tourism industry development and the general economic development of the world and national economy has been revealed. The influence of incoming and outgoing tourist flows on the restoration of human resources, the state of the tourism industry and the development of the national economy are formalized. The emphasis was placed on the fact that the future of the tourism industry of the country should be based on updated, innovative principles of economic management that take into account the national interests of the state, the goals of tourism development, and the desire and opportunities for citizens to receive tourist services.
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