The problems of formation and development of human potential of the economy in the context of the efficient functioning of its education component are considered. The structure of the education component of human potential is revealed and its strategic importance for the national economy development is substantiated. The authors analyze the state and dynamics of education indicators of Ukrainian population, financial support for the education sector, its quality and compliance with the world standards and labour market needs. The particular attention is paid to the problems of training specialists in the higher education system of Ukraine. The recent trends in demand in the educational services market and its compliance with the current national economy needs are analyzed. The article deals with the problems of structure and peculiarities of the education sector financing process in Ukraine which requires considerable improvement in the financing mechanism, despite the good total quantitative indicators. It is proved that, despite certain achievements in national education and professional training in the context of developing human potential of the country, there is an urgent need to activate development of the economically active population’s qualitative characteristics. This study highlights the essential problems in the system of educational training of human potential of the national economy and identifies the priority areas for its improvement. It is necessary to improve the practice of education sector financing at the expense of entities, in particular, to establish effective mechanisms for cooperation between employers and educational services providers. We suggest actively developing social partnership in the education system, creating a system of research and citizens’ opinion polling for forming supplies in the educational services market. It takes a long time to get social and economic benefits from raising the educational level of society. Today, there are urgent problems of forming the countries’ competitive advantages on the basis of enhancing the role, meaningful content and quality of education, science and R&D achievements.
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