The article presents the results of the assessment of the impact of ecological and economic factors on the development of agriculture in Ukraine. It is proved that in modern conditions the problems of greening production are important. Agriculture is one of the priority areas for the development of the Ukrainian economy due to its strong natural resource potential, the availability of large arrays of fertile soils, the traditional ability of the population to work on land, material and technical means, and the growing demand for food in Ukraine and the world. The urgency of greening agricultural production is caused by a sharp deterioration of the ecological status of natural resources associated with agricultural production, a decrease in soil fertility and quality of agricultural products, an increase in the complex environmental and environmental impact. Organic food has a positive effect on the environment and human health. In addition, organic farming is an economically viable business with a higher level of income than traditional agricultural production. Greening is an integral part of the sustainable development of society, which is recognized as a priority in most countries of the world. Ukraine also wants to go in this direction, which is why the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine until 2030 was adopted, which is based on the need for a balance between the environment, society and economy. The expediency of using taxonomic analysis in the development of agrarian sphere is substantiated, by which it is possible to determine the integral ecological and economic indicator of development on the basis of processing of a considerable number of various indicators. Based on statistical information for the period 2010–2017, a system of economic and environmental criteria was formed. During the studied period, the integral taxonomic index of ecological and economic development of agriculture of Ukraine fluctuates by years, but has a general tendency to increase. Development is due to the growth of economic factors in 2015–2017, and environmental factors, by contrast, have a negative impact on the development of agar in the country.
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