• Andrii Tyrinov
Keywords: budgeting, organization, budget, management accounting, planning


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of budgeting organization at the enterprise. In order to increase the level of competitiveness and quality of risk management, it is important to improve managemant accounting and financial planning. So it is necessary to adjust the budgeting system at the enterprise. However, problems often arise when they are based on generally accepted forms of budgets that do not provide full and useful information for management. Therefore, it is expedient to determine the goals of budgeting and the stages of organization of budgeting. The advantages and problems of budgeting have been explored, tasks are to be performed due to the organized budgeting system. The stages of the budgeting  organization at the enterprise are noted, the importance of considering of strategic goals in the development of budgets, the need for a working group on budgeting, the possibility of transferring the process of development of budgets and budgeting to outsourcing, as well as the availability of a new cycle in the event of changes to the budgets, is presented. The given stages of budgeting organization allow to adjust budgeting in accordance with the objectives of management and strategy of the enterprise, which increases the efficiency of the activity. It is noticed that proposed budgeting organization  is universal and can be used by different enterprises regardless of the specifics of the activity. Also the ability to separate processes into different working groups, as well as the transfer of processes for outsourcing with considering strategic goals, will save money on the development of new areas of activity. It is concluded that budgeting can increase the effectiveness of the activity and motivate employees to execute budgets through financial planning and risk forecasting.


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