• Halyna Chmeruk
  • Oksana Storozhenko
Keywords: financial relations, transformation, transformation of financial relations of subjects of management, cyclicality, life cycle phases, globalization, organizational changes, technological revolutions


The construction of a modern mechanism of the financial system, understanding its role in a market economy model, can not be understood without a thorough study of the theory and practice of financial relations, which manifests itself at all levels of national economy management. They are based on financial decisions for the formation and use of financial resources. In the conditions of evolutionary transformation processes in the economic system of Ukraine, the approaches related to the organization, regulation and planning of financial relations of economic entities, control of the state for their efficiency and effectiveness must undeniably be adjusted. In accordance with such interpretations it can be argued that there is a need for coordination between financial relations and evolutionary changes in the country and in the world as a whole, which should determine the organization and mechanisms for the stabilization of financial relations. The conducted analysis of scientific publications shows that the concept of "transformation of financial relations" in the economic literature almost does not occur, or used by domestic scientists without disclosing its economic essence. The concept of the transformation of the economic system is more widespread. Therefore, in our study the content of the concept "transformation of financial relations of subjects of management" is disclosed, the main objectives and preconditions of such transformation are analyzed. The main preconditions for the transformation of financial relations of business entities are: the cyclical nature of the development of all economic systems, the change in the phases of the life cycle of enterprises, globalization processes in the economy, changes in legislative acts, organizational changes and technological revolutions.


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