The purpose of the article from the theoretical point of view is the expansion of the theoretical conceptual apparatus of such an economic category as "the method of increasing the competitiveness of the region" the definition and characteristics of its key features, types of influence and levels of application, as well as a system of key criteria for the effectiveness of the impact, and from the practical point of view, proposals how to fill the mechanism for increasing the competitiveness with methods and tools for the regional and national application. This need has come up due to the results of the reform of decentralization of public authorities in Ukraine. For this research, a semantic analysis is used which makes it possible to specify the above-mentioned economic categories, as well as logical generalization, analysis and synthesis to determine the essential nature of the principles that are the components of the mechanism of increasing the competitiveness of the region and improvement of the categorical. Taking into consideration the regional and national level of application of the mechanism of increasing the competitiveness of the region, conceptual, financial, administrative, material management, social and psychological, information and innovation methods of increasing regional competitiveness are being outlined. These theoretical studies are an important scientific basis for the regional government bodies, heads of united territorial communities and others who are developing and implementing territorial development strategies with correspondingly full measures of their implementation. The author suggests a combination of considering the mechanism of increasing the competitiveness of the region from the point of view of the region and the state as subjects of governance. The state provides an opportunity to improve the principles of implementing the policy of increasing regional competitiveness not only of a region (as one territory) but also of all the other regions, as the entire national economy of the country.
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