In order to transfer the economy to a qualitatively new developmental path, based on knowledge, valuation tools are needed for business entities that work stably and innovate, creating and maintaining competitive advantages. Effective management, aimed at the professional and personal growth of the creative potential of all employees, encouraging them to innovate, makes the company competitive with any changes in the environment. The task of building a rating of banks that provides the opportunity to assess and choose a bank that is stable in the present time and is able to maintain competitive advantages is a major task for the banks themselves, since it allows them to develop a promising development strategies, and also provides an opportunity to evaluate their competitors, and for real and potential customers banks. In the context of the formation of the knowledge economy, the knowledge itself, giving ever-increasing dividends, becomes the main organization's competitive advantage. The article is devoted to the study of the issue of evaluation and selection of the most promising bank in terms of the stability of operation and the innovation level, as an element of intellectual capital. An algorithm for the transformation of knowledge into the competitive advantages of the company has been developed. Procedures and methodological tools for assessing and selecting a prospective bank provide for the substantiation of the criteria for formulating quantitative estimates of prospects. A criterion for the innovative level of the bank is proposed and justified. The proposed assessment model is adaptive to the degree of completeness of the initial information and can be used to evaluate and select an economic entity that is promising, in terms of factors creating competitive advantages, implementing an innovative approach to development. It is possible to develop the model both in terms of expanding the database and in the direction of adding evaluation criteria.
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