• Svitlana Petrovskaya
Keywords: transport service, passenger traffic, quality of service, quality of passenger transportations, criteria of quality assessment


The article is devoted to the study of the principles of quality assessment of services for the transport of passengers by public transport in the city. The peculiarities of transport services for transportation in the city in the context of measuring its quality are considered. The concept of "transport behavior" serves as a synthesis of the reflection of the results of quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Since consumer value is the "difference" of the benefits and victims of a passenger, the question arises as to the possibility of considering the quality of transport services apart from its price. When managing the demand for urban transport, two groups of methods are used: survey of the transport needs of the population and its relation to the existing system of transport services. A comparative description of the types of urban transport is carried out. The need for transportation is determined by the mobility of the population. Mobility is proportional to the standard of living of the population, the culture of everyday life, the development of productive forces, and this should be noted, especially, the development of the transport infrastructure itself. For each of these areas, the evaluation in the system is allocated to one of the three levels (complex and simple properties of quality, quality indicators) sets of evaluation criteria. Several criticisms have been made regarding this approach to quality assessment. The internal content of the quality of transportation by public transport in the city is a product of subjective thought that has an effect on the part of the research idea, which prevents it from proposing its own point of view and presenting it. An important feature of measuring the quality of transportation by city is the need to take into account the difference between their provided carrier and the perceived passenger quality. The point estimate of such a difference is able to provide information about a quality improvement vector, but it is not sufficient to manage it. The examination of the success of managerial influence on quality becomes possible when such measurements are carried out in the form of monitoring. The principles of monitoring the quality of urban transport services are formulated. The assessment tool should be adapted to change the purpose of the research and change the conditions for its achievement.


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