• Vladimir Mishenko
  • Elena Druhova
  • Irina Domnina
Keywords: controlling, competitiveness, strategic solutions, industrial substandart, controlling mechanism


The article is devoted to the actual issues of implementation of controlling at Ukrainian enterprises in order to ensure and maintain competitiveness in the chosen market. The role and place of controlling in enhancing / preserving the competitiveness of the enterprise is described. Controlling at the moment is a separate, independent, complete system with its own tools aimed at ensuring the adoption and implementation of the most effective and necessarily preventive management decisions. At the same time, the actuality of continuous improvement of techniques and methods of controlling, as well as study of the principles of its organization, requires the development of its methodology and continuous improvement in practical use. Also, the mechanism of formation of competitiveness with the help of such strategic tools as controlling is substantiated. The perception of the relationship between acceptance of the management decision and the receipt of the result at the enterprise is proposed and updated. The article is devoted to the creation of a mechanism for controlling the increase of the competitiveness of the enterprise. On the basis of the systemic links controlling serves the information support to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise. It is one of the synergistic systems of enterprise management, is an isolated system, the economic essence of which is in the dynamic process of transformation and integration of existing methods of accounting, analysis, planning, control and coordination into a single system of obtaining, processing information for the adoption of management decisions on its basis, and more precisely in the enterprise management system, oriented to achieve all the tasks facing the enterprise. In the long run, controlling will reduce the cost of the enterprise through efficient resource management, not to lose in competition, save and multiply its own market share. The stages of making managerial decisions concerning increase of competitiveness of the enterprise are substantiated.


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