• Raisa Hrinchenko
Keywords: changes, adaptation, mechanism, enterprise, methods, models, tools


The ability to flexibly respond to changes and to benefit from them is one of the most important prerequisites for the effective operation of any enterprise. Such a capacity can only be formed if the enterprise is adapted to changes that takes into account changes in the external and internal environment and creates additional competitive advantages for the enterprise. The essence and basic components of such a mechanism are complex due to the huge number of changes that take place in the modern world. The application of scientifically grounded methods, models and tools for shaping the mechanism of enterprise adaptation to change creates opportunities for increasing the efficiency of its further implementation at the enterprise. The purpose of this article is the theoretical and methodical substantiation of approaches to the application of methods, models and tools in the formation of the mechanism of adaptation to the changes. The article considers and details the step-by-step algorithm with possible variations of methods, models and tools that can be used by the enterprise in formulating and implementing an adaptation mechanism for the changes, which consists of three main blocks: the choice of methods for analysis of changes; modeling changes for enterprise needs; the formation of a tool for analyzing changes taking into account accepted methods and models for analysis and response to changes in the enterprise. The application of different approaches to the formation of models that reflect changes in the activities of the enterprise should take place taking into account the specific features of business activities. A prerequisite for the formation and implementation of an effective mechanism for adapting the enterprise to change is the development of a response tool for change, which is subordinated to the results of data analysis and the prevailing models. Such an integrated approach will enable enterprises to simplify the very procedure for the formation and implementation of a mechanism for adaptation to the changes.


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