• Oksana Vishnevskaya
  • Anna Voloshinа
Keywords: procurement activities, commercial enterprise, wholesale purchases, commercial activities, procurement planning


The purpose of the article is to study and substantiate a system approach to deepen the theoretical and methodological foundations of procurement management of trade enterprises in modern business conditions and the development of technology for the formation of the purchasing policy of a trading enterprise and a system for evaluating its effectiveness. The article analyzes the content, goals and environmental factors affecting the procurement activities of the enterprise. The overwhelming majority of the reasons for the lack of profit by domestic enterprises is an inefficient procurement system and the imperfection of the assortment policy. In this regard, the study of optimization of the procurement activities of enterprises and the development on this basis of the necessary guidelines is very relevant. Purchasing the business of the most significant system in the area of the service system of the trading company, as soon as in the process of the development of the business process, it is necessary to start the business process. For trade enterprises, wholesale purchases make it possible to form the necessary range of goods, to influence trade on production in accordance with the requirements of consumer demand. Properly organized wholesale purchases of goods is an important condition for the normal functioning of the enterprise, the implementation of the planned targets, the creation of optimal inventory. The breadth (completeness) of the range of goods in the retail network, the degree of satisfaction of the demand of the population, the availability of goods is largely dependent on the process of purchasing activities of a commercial enterprise, its financial condition. Many purchasing organizations seek to find a comprehensive solution to the problem of procurement from a single seller. This approach is called complex procurement. Comprehensive procurement is an approach to solving procurement problems, in which all the necessary goods are bought from one supplier, which eliminates the need to make separate decisions that are inevitable when purchasing from different suppliers. Using a complex sale as a marketing strategy is the key to winning and maintaining a clientele in the market of organizational consumers. In the end, the contract gets the company that is most comprehensive approach to meeting customer needs. Efficient organization of purchases in the trading market, as well as the results of economic activity: approximation, profitability; trouble-free robotics, everything is in order, strategic and future development, the competitive situation in the country. At the same time, the organization of procurement of procurement products is obligatory and mandatory the sorting of goods for trade enterprises, including for the procurement of goods for export from the country.


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