• Nadiia Advokatova
  • Alla Karnaushenko
Keywords: agrarian enterprises, strategic directions of development, agrarian enterprises development, , strategic management priority objectives, strategic decisions of agrarian enterprises


In modern agri-business environment, there is an objective need to develop priority and strategic directions for their development under the condition of environment uncertainty. Domestic agrarians have to compete not only with each other, but also with agrarian products producers - importers, which usually have more efficient production and distribution technologies; therefore, some farmers choose "niche cultures" for the further priority direction of agrarian enterprises development.  During research, priority and strategic directions for Ukrainian agrarian enterprises development were identified; we have analyzed factors that have an influence on modern agrarian enterprises development in conditions of environment uncertainty; ways of increasing agrarian enterprises competitiveness was identified; realization conditions of strategic decisions are considered; the main priority objectives of strategic agrarian enterprises management competitiveness were defined; strategic directions` matrix of agrarian enterprise activity based on of SWOT-analysis is developed. The peculiarity of agrarian enterprises modern activity is that they are rapidly moving, for example, from technical crops production to some non-traditional: horticulture, viniculture and hopsculture. Such mobility enables agrarians to overcome the difficulties caused by the general socio-economic situation in the country and, in particular, regional problems. A significant agricultural resource for diversifying domestic agricultural products export and reducing risks is possible due to the expansion of niche crop growing areas. The economic potential of niche cultures is due to the high cost realization and fairly significant growing world agro-food market demand. Strategic analysis is to determine strategic position of the agricultural company, that is, to what extent the agro-firms are in line with its competitive environment. The main areas of analysis here are changes in the external environment, which can significantly affect the functioning and development of agricultural companies; potential of the enterprise (land, material, financial, technical, human resources). The strategic choice is related to alternative strategies formation for the industry development, the main areas of activity, multicriteria assessment of these alternative options that characterize farmers’ achievement objectives and the definition of the recommended strategy, which will mostly contribute to strengthening of competitive position within the market.


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