• Alla Grechan
  • Ludmila Babich
Keywords: investments, innovations, investment and innovative activities, development, business entities


The article is devoted to the substantiation of the scientific-theoretical and organizational approaches to the formation of a single category "innovation-investment activity" in the context of the tasks of creating an innovation-investment model of Ukraine's economic development. In today's context, increasingly tight business entities are faced with requirements to increase their competitiveness in the market, which objectively must be effective through a balanced interaction of the functioning of innovation and investment processes. The article proposes a new approach to the definition of the economic category "innovation-investment activity" as a single vision of interconnected processes of investment and innovative development of business entities. innovation and investment activity is a collection of substantiated resources and sources of funding for measures and practical actions by a business entity (state, enterprise, corporation, firm, entrepreneur) regarding the phased introduction of innovation projects. The attention is paid to the generalization of the common and distinctive characteristics of the concepts of "innovation activity" and "investment activity". It is also proposed to introduce normative-legal legislation into a single document – the Innovation-investment code, which together with effective means of the mechanism of financial regulation and stimulation of scientific achievements in the field of innovations will serve to create an innovation-investment model of Ukraine's economic development. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the economic content and ways to increase the role of the category "innovation and investment activity" in ensuring the strategic development of business entities in today's market conditions. The object of the study – regulatory, normative and scientific and theoretical substantiation of the formation of innovative and investment processes of economic entities. The method of research is a systematic theoretical substantiation of the interconnection of innovation and investment processes.


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