• Tetiana Busarieva
Keywords: world knowledge market, economy of knowledge, knowledge, information, knowledge classification, post-industrial era


For developed countries, the 20th century ended with a period of active transition to the knowledge economy – the stage of economic development, in which the intellectual resources and the companies' capabilities based on their basis play a decisive role in the production of goods and services. A distinctive feature of the new economy is that knowledge becomes a direct productive force. Information technology transforms the material basis of modern production and distribution, and productivity increasingly depends on the use of knowledge. The peculiarity of the post-industrial stage of economic development lies in the fact that the role of knowledge as a strategic economic resource, as capital, increases. The dialectic of knowledge as a consumer and investment product is such that knowledge, which is the end product of one production process, for example, education, becomes a necessary resource of another production process, real or non-material. So, the knowledge gained in the process of training in a special institution or at work becomes the economic resource of an employee and organization, acquired for the sake of using it as an economic resource, subsequently used for production . Research and development costs provide knowledge, ideas and practical experience that can be translated into projects, prototypes, etc. The results of this production in turn become costs in the subsequent investment process, by means of which ideas are transformed into real, commercially profitable consumer and industrial goods, technological processes, methods and systems that expand the possibilities for product and income. It is known that the knowledge market is one of the least studied structures of the modern market economy, both in theoretical and practical aspects. Increasingly, the problem of the theory of the knowledge market is becoming a subject of economic debate, which is explained by the growing role and influence of knowledge, as an economic resource, on the economic activities of subjects at different levels. This concerns the development of human capital, personified by the individual, as well as the impact of corporate knowledge on the national economy as a whole. The rapid development of knowledge led to the fact that knowledge, not distinguished by the classics of economic theory in a separate economic resource along with labor, land, capital and entrepreneurial abilities, became such and no less (if not more) important than other economic resources. That is why at the beginning of the XXI century the analysis of knowledge as an economic resource in the context of its use for the purpose of competitiveness of both large TNCs and national economies is relevant.


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