The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical aspect of financial reporting analysis, compiled according to the International Financial Reporting Standards. The reason for choosing a topic was the fact that, in the current conditions of the economy of the country with a market economy are implementing new national accounting standards that are in line with International Financial Reporting Standards. The reason of it was the fact that both foreign and national investors pay special attention to the reporting in the format of IFRS. It confirms that the financial state is one of key factors of successful involvement by Ukrainian companies of investments on international capital markets for further production expansion and modernization. It should lead, in its turn, to more intensive integration of Ukraine into world economic community. This matter is brought up more and more resolutely, so the consideration of the contents and series of the analysis of financial accounting of the enterprise, complied according to the IFRS acquires big relevance namely for management decisions taking. In the scientific literature, the problematic aspects in the publications on the formation and analysis of financial reporting indicators in accordance with IFRS begin to be covered. The article reveals the main tasks of the financial reporting analysis, covers the main approaches to the analysis of financial statements prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards, identifies the main stages of financial analysis, presents the types of financial analysis used, explains the essence of each type of this analysis and examines the examples of potential factors, which complicate the comparison of financial reporting. The basic procedures necessary for conducting calculations according to the financial reporting data and evaluation of the results are also defined in the given article.
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