The paper investigates tendencies and volumes of shadow capital withdrawal in Ukraine and the European Union. On the basis of the analysis of trends in the level of shadowing of the economy, the most widespread ways of illegal extraction of capital by economic entities are determined. The main directions of its influence on the level of financial and economic development of the country are investigated. It was mentioned that stable activity of the financial system of the country is possible through providing the effective mechanisms and measures on deterring and combating money laundering at the level of different agents of the national economy and financial institutions. An existing approach to the classification of countries according to the criterion of effectiveness of measures to combat the legalization of illicit funds has been analyzed. The peculiarities of the national, regional and supranational system of counteracting shadow economy are studied, its main characteristics are determined. The peculiarities of the international policy of financial monitoring and control over the activities of economic entities are analyzed. On the basis of the comparative analysis of the participation of the countries of the world in the processes of shadowing of the economy, it was concluded that there is a significant differentiation of approaches to combating illegal extraction of funds and significant differences in the legislative regulation of these processes. It is proved that at the present stage of economic development of Ukraine the key vector of effective financial management is integration of the best world practices of state regulation and control over shadow flows. According to the results of the analysis, it was conclude that there is a need for appropriate anti-corruption policy of governments aimed at achieving economic growth in the studied countries, taking into account both the national and supranational system peculiarities .
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