Lease relations at the present stage of land use are becoming increasingly important, since the acquisition of agricultural land in the property while held at the legislative level by the action of the moratorium on its sale. In such conditions, the lease has become one of the most dynamic segments of the land market, since its members are interested in obtaining the maximum income with intensive use of land. Noting the positive value of the lease as a way of managing, you need to pay attention to the insufficient level of development of certain provisions of the rental legislation, hinders its effective and environmentally balanced development. The current state and ecological-economic basis for the development of land-lease relations in the agricultural land use of Ukraine are characterized, based on the analysis of the theoretical and methodological provisions of land leases. It has been established that the formation of land-lease relations in the current conditions of legislative transformations in the context of changing land tenure patterns causes a number of negative consequences in agricultural land use: deterioration of the quality properties of agricultural land, a significant reduction in the content of humus in the soil, intensive plowing of land-natural complexes, and underdevelopment of ecological stability territory and the like. It was determined that the key determinants of the harmonization of the interests of society, the state, landowners and land users in the process of implementing land-lease relations should be a balanced use, reproduction and protection of agricultural land. In general, the development of rental relations in agricultural land use is one of the ways to solve land reform in order to form an effective owner on the land.
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