The article deals with methodological and methodological aspects of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of housing and communal services. The structure of the cost of resources in the cost of housing and communal services is determined. The necessity to stimulate resource saving in the HMC is substantiated. The main causes of high resource intensity in Ukraine are determined. The resource intensity of the gross domestic product of some states is analyzed. Stages of realization of stimulation of resource saving in the housing and communal services are defined. The main components for realization of the program of stimulation of resource saving in the housing and communal services are outlined. The variant of stimulation of resource saving by means of realization of the project on resource saving is considered. The mechanism of stimulation of resource saving of housing and communal entities subjects is developed. The economic effect from resource saving measures is determined using the instrumental accounting of consumable resources. The net income from the implementation of a resource-saving incentive program for a management housing organization is defined.
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