The purpose of the article is the theoretical study of the investment process, its subjects and sources of investment in order to systematize the concepts of the mentioned problem. The investment process is one of the most important factors in the regulation of the socio-economic development of the country and its regions, contributes to the growth of GDP, job creation. In order for the implemented investment policy mechanisms to become truly effective, it is necessary first to assess the overall investment situation in the region, identify problems in the development of regional investment processes, and determine the nature of the causal relationships between the interaction of regional investment policy and investment development of the territory. Results of the study consist in the analysis of scientific literature, which relates to the topic of the article, which allowed to systematize the information received, as well as to put forward a series of hypotheses for further research that develop and deepen the existing theoretical work of the scientists in the field of regional economy in general, and investment at the regional level, in particular. A range of measures is proposed that allow to intensify the investment process and on this basis to achieve sustainable development of the economy. The author examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of investment processes in the economy, the principles and form of their formation, and determines the main factors influencing the development of investment processes in the region's economy. Consideration of the regional investment process through the prism of the economic space has allowed to highlight its specifics. Scientific novelty lies in the author's approach to the formation of tools and the study of ways to increase investment activity in the regions.
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