• Liubov Tertychna
  • Olena Bezpalko
  • Nadiia Rybak
Keywords: company’s economical security, provision with political legal security, performance criteria, legal protection of company, level of political legal security


The article considers the essence of concept about company’s political legal security. It emphasizes its importance for provision with economical security of company. The main elements in organizational economical direction of provision with political legal components of company’s economical security were found out. The reasonability for detailed analysis of internal and external negative impacts on the company’s political legal security and reasons for their origin, the necessity in situational analysis and analysis of precedents that will allow significantly improving the efficiency in provision with legal component, based on detailed analysis of analogous precedents, was grounded. It was established that the control process for efficiency in provision with political legal security requires the development of an appropriate concept and methodological tools for assessment of its state. The stages in formation of concept about management of company’s political legal security were defined. The choice of parameters for assessment of current level in provision with company’s political legal security is grounded. It was found out that the main assessment indices for political legal component of company’s economical security are: the specific weight of cases in the total number of company’s contracts; the specific weight of gained cases; the number of company’s employees per one employee of legal department, etc. It was established that the analysis of state and dynamics in definition of cost indicators for political legal component of economical security may serve as the ground for assessment of efficient provision with the company’s political legal security and development of recommendations for planned complex of actions for its provision.


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