The article is devoted to the study of rebranding as a component of the marketing strategy of an enterprise, factors, tools and conditions for its introduction, the assessment of its effectiveness. Rebranding is defined as an integrated and strategic process that requires the implementation of significant changes in the brand of both the enterprise and its products. To substantiate the need for rebranding, the relationship between functional tasks and the main objectives of rebranding has been investigated. The main types of rebranding strategies were studied: full re-branding, repositioning (competitive and psychological), restyling. It has been revealed that the re-branding strategy is effective at the stage of transition of a brand from a state of maturity to the stage of recession of its life cycle. It is substantiated that for the effective implementation of rebranding it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive marketing research that will help identify the number of positive factors of an existing brand, both from the point of view of consumers and of manufacturers. It is revealed that increasing the brand value by creating additional products and services allows repositioning the brand, placing it in a position not occupied by one of the competitors. Investigated the cost of enterprise rebranding; they are associated with the costs of using such tools of marketing activities as: advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal sales, marketing research of the market, the development of new products, the development of distribution channels. It was determined that the assessment of the effectiveness of rebranding should be carried out in three main categories: consumer assessment, changes in pricing and cost policies, financial results. A quantitative measurement of the effect of rebranding is presented, which is defined as the difference between the additional profit obtained after its introduction and the cost of its implementation.
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