In the article the author carries out research of organizational approaches to marketing management, approaches to definition of process of management of marketing activity at the domestic industrial enterprises are opened. The research of the main functions of marketing management in the enterprise, without which it is impossible to develop marketing activity, obtaining the set of current and strategic goals. Undeniable fact is the importance of forming an effective system for managing the marketing activities of the enterprise. Appropriate managerial decisions should be made taking into account the strategic approach and the implementation of organizational changes to ensure the prevailing principles of the functioning of the subsystem of marketing management. It is important to create such a system for managing the marketing activity of an industrial enterprise, based on the principles of adaptability. The stages of the actions of the managerial staff concerning the construction of a marketing activity management system that takes into account the specifics of financial and business processes in a separate enterprise are presented. Particular attention is required to the issue of the introduction of adaptive mechanisms both in the subsystem of marketing activities, and in the integrated mechanism of enterprise management. The components of the marketing management system of the industrial enterprise with their functional content are revealed. An important role is played by the process of evaluating marketing activities to determine the level of efficiency, and most importantly for making corrective management decisions based on certain deviations of the received parameters of functioning from the planned. On the basis of previous researches the principles of forming a system of marketing management by an industrial enterprise, based on the system approach with the use of adaptive mechanisms of management of the production system are determined.
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