In the current economic conditions the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprises depends on the strategy of development and innovation. The importance of the role and place of innovation in business enterprises and organizations is conditioned by many factors. Because of global competition, rapid change, increase and accelerate the flow of information, increasing complexity of business and drastic shortening of the life cycle of innovative products time to obtain excess profits is less, requiring the development and implementation of innovative policy measures to effectively address these challenges. The article examined issues related to the formation of the enterprise innovation development strategy under uncertainty. It was established that the development of innovative manufacturing industry in uncertainty on the level of innovation potential and effective management of this potential, aimed at supporting innovation activity at the appropriate level and aimed at the business results of innovation. Also in the scientific work the technology of choice strategy of innovative development, that is, depending on the level of innovation of organizations offered on models of strategic behavior. Due to this relationship, and given the conditions of macro and micro enterprise can also follow the different types of innovative strategies, such as adaptation, defense, offensive etc. Next, the algorithm of forming a strategy for sustainable innovative development company under uncertainty. As a result, calculating the indicators for innovation and sustainable development by using the matrix method determines the position of the company and choose the appropriate strategy. Thus it should be noted that the proposed algorithm and methods can form a strategy for sustainable development of innovative enterprises in the face of uncertainty, the implementation of which will improve competitiveness and improve environmental and socio-economic situation of domestic enterprises.
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