• Natalia Kyrylko
  • Yulia Babych
Keywords: competition, competitiveness of a trading enterprise, ball score method, potential consumers, image, strategy of a trading enterprise


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of assessing the level of competitiveness of trade enterprises as the ability to improve their image and strategic development. The article deals with the conceptual-categorical apparatus on the competitiveness of a trading company and its competitive advantages. The methodological basis of the article is the fundamental position of foreign and Ukrainian scientists in the field of research on the competitiveness of trade enterprises. The urgency of the topic is finding ways to improve competitiveness as an important factor in the current conditions of the development of trade enterprises. At this stage of the development of trade enterprises, attracting new potential customers and retaining competitive advantages is relevant. The theory and practice concerning estimation of the level of competitiveness of trade enterprises are considered. The application of the method of estimation of points on the basis of the conducted analysis of competitiveness of trade enterprises is substantiated. The estimation and comparison of the provision of services to trade potential buyers of two trading enterprises is carried out. The necessity of taking into account the set requirements and wishes of consumers is determined not separately, but in a complex way. The development of recommendations for assessing the level of competitiveness of trading enterprises contributes to improving the image and increasing the competitive advantages of trading enterprises. The essence of theoretical approaches to the assertions of the study of competitiveness of a trading enterprise and the expediency of their application is substantiated. The use of the method of estimation of points on the basis of the conducted questionnaire of consumers, which sees the generalization of the results of the survey of potential consumers, application of criteria and directions of evaluation of the competitiveness of trade enterprises, is proposed. The results of the survey reflect the competitiveness of trading enterprises in terms of organizational-economic and functional characteristics.


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