The article is devoted to the study of theoretical foundations and peculiarities of the construction of the personnel management system of the enterprise. The organizational mechanism of personnel potential management at industrial enterprises is investigated and the necessity of its introduction into work is substantiated. In general, an effective organizational mechanism for managing the personnel potential of an enterprise involves: active use of labor motivation, including the expansion of the powers of workers in making managerial decisions; creation of conditions for the expansion of knowledge, advanced training, continuous self-improvement. It can be noted that the organizational mechanism of personnel management includes the acquisition and training of highly skilled personnel, their assessment and placement, the organization of professional adaptation, motivation and education of employees, the reduction of staff turnover, and also affects the effectiveness of the personnel management system. The personnel potential of food industry enterprises of Ukraine is estimated and problems of labor resources use are determined, among them: low level of wages of food industry enterprises; lack of skilled labor; fairly difficult working conditions for workers; for enterprises, seasonal production, fluctuations in prices and the demand for products change, which increases the level of instability in earnings; difficulties in recruiting and retaining employees; lack of effective motivation methods. The necessity of using skilled workers at industrial enterprises has been analyzed and the expediency of conducting effective marketing activity is clarified. The directions of improvement of personnel management are proposed, namely: creation of comfortable social and psychological climate; reconciliation of the level of remuneration with the level of personal contribution in the overall success; creation of an atmosphere of trust in the team and formation of employee interest in the results of work; creation of effective social infrastructure; carrying out of cultural events for workers; ensuring the coherence of the work of employees and management of the enterprise. Using these directions will increase the efficiency of production and economic activity, financial performance and efficiency of the use of labor resources of enterprises.
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