• Evgen Didenko
Keywords: enterprise, motivation, costs of production, profit, production division


The article is devoted to a research of motivational aspects of activity of production divisions of the enterprise. Improvement of a system of motivation to work is carried out for the purpose of the organization of high-performance activity of production divisions which is a component of the general organization of activity of the enterprise. The relevance of a research is caused by search of new mechanisms of stimulation of effective activity of production divisions of the enterprises. An object of research in article is redistribution of parts of profit of divisions according to degree of their contribution to the end result of activity of the enterprise. The task consists in development of the mechanism of redistribution of parts of profit from activity of production divisions of the enterprises. The task is solved within the subsystem of the motivational support of the production activity of the system of acceptance and support of decisions on the organization of the activity of the industrial enterprise. The following results are received. The mechanism of accounting of degree of a contribution of production division to the end result of activity of the enterprise is developed. The technology of motivation to work and conceptual calculations of quantitative redistribution of the got profit on production activity of the enterprise is offered. Conclusions. The mechanism of redistribution of parts of profit by results of activity of production divisions promotes establishing interaction of production divisions of the enterprise, is the objective regulator of parts of in common received economic benefit, serves as means of decision-making about final definitions of extent of influence of division on the end result of activity of the enterprise and has signs of technology of stimulation of high-performance activity by creation of incentives to work.


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