The article analyzes the impact of national innovation entrepreneurship on the sustainable development of the labor market. The main tendencies of innovation development in Ukraine are found out. The position of the state in certain global ratings is determined. The main problems of innovation development of entrepreneurship are characterized and directions of its improvement are determined. It is noted that entrepreneurship stimulates the national labor market and is a prerequisite for its effective functioning. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the issues of innovation entrepreneurship and employment are closely intertwined. It is proved that innovative enterprises stimulate the creation of new jobs, which reduces unemployment and provides the intensity of labor movement. These changes lead to the necessary competition in the labor market, which contributes to the preservation of the labor potential of workers and the accumulation of human capital. Specifies that the issues of innovation entrepreneurship and employment are closely intertwined. The impact of innovative entrepreneurship on employment is that, according to its socio-economic properties, it affects the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the labor market. It is at innovative enterprises that the creation of new jobs is being created, which contributes to reducing unemployment and stimulates the intensity of the movement of labor between innovative enterprises of different forms of ownership. The aforementioned changes lead to the necessary competition for workers and between employees, which contributes to the preservation of the labor potential of workers and the accumulation of human capital. These aspects allow us to talk about the stabilization function of innovation entrepreneurship in the labor market. It is revealed that the main obstacles that reduce the functioning of national innovation entrepreneurship in the labor market are: lack of scientific and methodological basis for the formation of an entrepreneurial-oriented innovation system in the labor market; low systemicity in the implemented state measures on the implementation of entrepreneurial potential in the labor market; lack of state strategy for managing innovative business in the labor market; the low efficiency of the system priorities of the functioning of the scientific and technological sphere (the priorities of innovative entrepreneurial development are formally defined "on paper", the mechanisms of their implementation on the labor market have not been worked out in detail), etc.
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