• Svitlana Galasyuk
  • Kateryna Demyanchuk
Keywords: hotels, «star» as a category of hotels, categorization of hotels, the process of establishing categories, standards for categorization


The article is devoted to the study of the process of categorizing hotels. The feasibility of a categorization procedure for hotels and guests has been identified. The parameters underlying the categorization systems are studied. It has been established that there are many hotel categorization systems in the world, in connection with which it is very difficult to establish uniform requirements for categories. As a positive example, the experience of the European categorization system «Hotelstars», adopted by the members of the organization «HOTREC», was studied. It has been established that at present the «Hotelstars» categorization system operates in 17 European countries, 16 of which are represented by the leading associations of representatives of the hotel business and 1 country by the relevant ministry. To provide recommendations for our country has studied the terminological apparatus in the field of categorization of hotels in Ukraine and European countries. A comparative characteristic of the criteria that are used to establish categories of hotels and contained in the standards «Criteria 2015-2020» («Hotelstars») and DSTU 4269:2003 (Ukraine) is made. Identified common and distinctive features of both standards for categorizing hotels. It is shown that the categorical apparatus in the Ukrainian standard 4269:2003 is significantly outdated and differs from what is commonly used at the European level. The contradictions that exist in the legal documents on the categorization of hotels in Ukraine are revealed. The expediency of applying the categorization of hotels in Ukraine on a voluntary basis is proved. Information on certification bodies (state and private) that can categorize hotels in Ukraine has been studied. Changes related to the functions of the categorization bodies of Ukrainian hotels have been reviewed. The main recommendations for improving the process of categorizing hotels in Ukraine, taking into account the European experience, have been identified.


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