The article focuses on the event as a form of non-verbal communication when organizing events. The author emphasizes that event activity are factors that stimulate the development of the tourism industry. In the course of such events, the activity of all objects of the tourism industry is intensified. Events allow developing the territory by creating a certain image. Some events become a business card of the region and their uniqueness affects the growth of tourist flows. The author pay attention to the impact of event as artificial information flow aimed at the target audience. According to the author, the event can be considered as a form of non-verbal communication for the target audience, which is a product that meets the basic needs of the consumer. Non-verbal communication by organizing an event can be any informational message directed at a particular consumer, or to create a new market. The article discusses examples of massive information flows. As a result of the analysis, it was proposed to consider the event as an artificial information flow.The article proposes a model of social interaction in the process of non-verbal communication. This model examines the influence of cultural, scientific, and economic aspects of non-verbal communication on tourist flows and regional development. The model is a continuous cycle of mutual influence society-event-society.The article provides examples of non-verbal communication by organizing various exhibitions. Particular attention is paid to the development of scientific and cultural tourism through the organization of permanent events (thematic expositions). The use of modern information technologies as non-verbal communication methods in event tourism has been analyzed. Attention is paid to the use of 3-D and VR technologies as non-verbal communication methods in event-tourism activities. The results of the study showed that the use of modern information technologies helps to attract more consumers of tourist services. The influence of means of non-verbal communication on the practice of promotion of tourist services is considered. It is noted that it is possible to use modern information technologies as methods of non-verbal communication in event tourism.
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