• Svitlana Bondarenko
Keywords: croudtechnology, croudstaffing, сrowdsourcing, сrowdfunding, fashion industry, feshn-product


The rapid changes taking place in the fashion market, necessitate the search for new principles, methods, tools for managing the activities of enterprises. In particular, it would be advisable to implement the best croudtechnology in this area of activity. The purpose of the study is to identify the feasibility of using croudtechnology at the enterprises of the fashion industry. Achievement of the set purpose has caused the necessity of solving the following tasks: to study the essence and processes of croudtechnology and to find out the possibility and expediency of their use in enterprises of the industry of fashion. During the research, the following methods were used: theoretical generalization, analogy and abstract-logical, and others. As the world experience shows, the emerging countries, relying on the fashion industry and actively developing domestic light industry enterprises, have been successful. Therefore, in our opinion, it is also advisable for Ukraine to take advantage of this experience. Fashion-goods have a large share of added value. Fashion industry companies have been supplying products to European markets for a long time, working on tolling schemes, so fashine products today have a high level of quality. For the exit of manufacturers of the field of fashion from the crisis, it is proposed to use progressive administrative edge croudtechnology – croudstaffing, сrowdsourcing, сrowdfunding. and others. Сroudstaffing is a technology in the field of personnel management, in which the company employs a loyal brand of clients, often offering in return their labor services the status of "special consumer" who is able to test new brand products, participate in research, including those sensitive as "mysterious buyer". Сrowdsourcing is a marketing activity in which the consumer is an accomplice in the processes of creating, evaluating and promoting consumer values. And he acts either for free or for a small, symbolic fee. Сrowdfunding – public funding is a collaboration of people who voluntarily combine their money or other resources together, usually via the Internet, to support the efforts of other people or organizations. The benefits of using croudtechnology in the fashion industry are the low cost of projects, reducing the time to achieve goals, the ability to use talents and creative ideas of consumers, the ability to direct their loyalty, love and commitment to the product and brand in the business-oriented way.


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