The article reveals the necessity of systematic study of the state regulation of the economy in the context of economic, socio-cultural changes, globalization and integration processes taking place in Ukraine, in particular, orientation to the European vector of development. The research showed that in recent years there was a need to clarify general principles approaches, to develop methods for systematic and holistic analysis of economic phenomena and to solve a whole range of other methodological problems of economic science. The question of methodology in the field of economic sciences devoted to a number of works, in particular the works Galchinsky A.S, Gacha V.P., Tarasevich V.M. and others. An important place in scientific research is the analysis of general scientific categories, which contributes to the objective study of the problem, fills with new content and approaches the methodology of scientific knowledge in the field of economics. Therefore, the problem of categorical structure in economic studies and the problem of systematization of the conceptual apparatus occupies a prominent place in scientific researches of domestic scientists (Gach V., Ilenkov A., Mocheryn S.). The scientific search has confirmed (confirmed) that the state regulation of the economy is a multifaceted phenomenon, multivariate, multifaceted, and in science is considered in the context of the methodology of various sciences - economics, management, law and social sciences, history, etc. Thus, by constructing a study as a system of clearly subordinated categories, concepts and provisions we can, taking into account all methodological problems of the modern economy, succeed and obtain the scientific novelty of the work of its scientific component (theory and practice). An analysis of the current state of the formation of the terminology system of the concept of "state regulation of the economy", has shown that a clear categorical and conceptual apparatus makes it possible to clearly, clearly describe (submit) to highlight (disclose) the results of scientific research, it is appropriate to use them, to substantiate their theoretical and practical significance.
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