• Volodymyr Shedyakov
Keywords: transformations, modernization, intellectualization, mental labour, scientific and intellectual potential, competition


The level of competitiveness of society is associated with a complex of conditions of both living and creativity of the population. Mental, scientific and intellectual activity stands out among the spheres and directions of creativity. In this connection, the systemic improvement of the quality of the culture of socio-economic (in particular, production) relations is among the priority tasks of society. Today, on the one hand, the pressure of limited productive, abstract labour is disappearing: self-value for creative self-disclosure (and mutual disclosure) of an individual acquires the processes of play and learning / education, which previously performed mainly functions in preparation for work. On the other hand, the social need for creativity, sometimes complemented by an individual tendency to escape from the complexities of freedom, has taken the place of social predisposition to the alienated canon and individual impulse to creativity. Under these conditions, additional investment in a person is not at all a burdensome social burden, but a condition for preparing and realization high-quality participation in the competitive struggle on the “upper floors” of the economy, where the place of saving on variable capital as a major direction for obtaining strategic gain is occupied by creative intellect-intensive work that requires careful arrangements. That is why it is necessary to transform of attention to the development and realization of a person’s creative talent (primarily mental) and the corresponding part of social wealth for the organic development of society. Meanwhile, as the analysis shows, the orientation towards the creative self- and mutual disclosure of a person sets a completely new demand for the quality of the entire social culture, in particular, production one. At the same time, in the present conditions, if you do not have and do not realize your own strategy, then you turn from a subject of processes into an object of external manipulation. Ensuring an acceptable quality of life for the population, economic success and long-term stable development in the information age is possible only on the basis of the integrated provision of conditions for the demand for the scientific and educational complex. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the possibility has been simplified, while living on one territory, to serve the interests of another with its activity. The practical significance of the text is due to the possibilities of applying the findings obtained in it both during forced transformations, and in the course of teaching the corresponding special courses in universities. According to the author’s opinion, it is reasons to expect an increase in the effectiveness of further practical and theoretical development of the topic chosen for the article in the case of a priority study of the conditions of creativity (primarily in systemically important relations) to improve its stimulation.


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