• R.B. Kozhukhіvska
  • N.V. Parubok
Keywords: assessment methods, efficiency, development, region, innovation, cluster, tourism


The article deals with the methodology and principles of the construction of regional innovation clusters for the development of tourism enterprises. It was discovered that the use of an innovative cluster approach is one of the most effective tools in fulfilling the tasks of modernizing enterprises and ensuring the development of innovative sectors of the economy. The main aspects of the paper are focused on the problems of the methodology of quantitative assessment of the efficiency of the cluster, based on the analysis of the effects of reducing transaction costs, cost of capital, marketing costs, diffusion of innovation and their sharing in tourism. The scientific novelty of the article is reduced to the construction of an innovative methodology for assessing regional clusters for the development of tourism in the country. The extraordinary effect of using the proposed methodology is to increase the share of taxation due to the localization of additional tourist enterprises in the region and the intensification of innovative processes, and, as a result, to improve the socio-economic situation in the region.


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