heritage, historical and cultural heritage resources, heritage commercialization, market of heritage, marketing of historical and cultural heritage
The article presents the main elements of the mechanism of the market of historical and cultural heritage. The text highlights the specificity of cultural heritage products and their service character is revealed. The article revealed limits of commercialization of historical and cultural heritage are. In article defined and characterized the basic components of the heritage market structure are. The paper describes the features of marketing concept in relation to heritage products are shown
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5. Ганский В. Пределы коммерциализации историко-культурных туристических ресурсов в современном обществе. Методы и технологии учета, анализа и управления: сборник научных статей участников междунар. научн.-практ. конф. (г. Минск, 5 декабря 2017 г.) / сост. Н. Горбачев, Л. Корчагина. Минск: Ковчег, 2018. С. 39–43.
6. Ganskiy U. Cultural heritage of Visegrad Group countries as a resource for local development. Visegrad Four – the Ukrainian dimension. Integration step by step / executive editor T. Derkach. Riga: Baltija Publishing, 2017. P. 135–147.
7. Ganskiy U. The features of marketing of historical and cultural heritage locations and tourist destinations. International economic relations and prospects for national development: contemporary challenges and solutions / under the editorship of M. Fleychuk, U. Ganski, V. Kazlouski and others. Daugavpils: Daugava Print, 2018. P. 43–52.
8. Vaughan D. The Cultural Heritage: an Approach to Analyzing Income and Employment Effects. Journal of Cultural Economics. 1984. № 2. S. 1–36.
9. Rizzo I., Mingosa A. Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., 2013. 640 p.
10. Stanowicka A. Możliwości wykorzystania dziedzictwa kulturowego w kreowaniu wizerunku regionu. Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne. 2013. № 2. S. 47–55.
2. Ganskiy U. Cultural heritage as a socio-economic development factor. Baltic-Black Sea Region: History, Economics, Culture, Society: materials of international scientific and practical conference (Riga, July 4–5, 2016). Riga: University of Latvia, 2016. Vol. 5. P. 18–21.
3. Petr C. Tourist apprehension of heritage: a semiotic approach to behavior patterns. International Journal of Arts Management. 2002. № 4. P. 25–39.
4. Jagodzińska K., Purchla J., Sanetra-Szelig J. Dziedzictwo kulturowe ma znaczenie dla Europy. Warszawa: Międynarodowe Centrum Kultury. 2015. 46 s.
5. Ганский В. Пределы коммерциализации историко-культурных туристических ресурсов в современном обществе. Методы и технологии учета, анализа и управления: сборник научных статей участников междунар. научн.-практ. конф. (г. Минск, 5 декабря 2017 г.) / сост. Н. Горбачев, Л. Корчагина. Минск: Ковчег, 2018. С. 39–43.
6. Ganskiy U. Cultural heritage of Visegrad Group countries as a resource for local development. Visegrad Four – the Ukrainian dimension. Integration step by step / executive editor T. Derkach. Riga: Baltija Publishing, 2017. P. 135–147.
7. Ganskiy U. The features of marketing of historical and cultural heritage locations and tourist destinations. International economic relations and prospects for national development: contemporary challenges and solutions / under the editorship of M. Fleychuk, U. Ganski, V. Kazlouski and others. Daugavpils: Daugava Print, 2018. P. 43–52.
8. Vaughan D. The Cultural Heritage: an Approach to Analyzing Income and Employment Effects. Journal of Cultural Economics. 1984. № 2. S. 1–36.
9. Rizzo I., Mingosa A. Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., 2013. 640 p.
10. Stanowicka A. Możliwości wykorzystania dziedzictwa kulturowego w kreowaniu wizerunku regionu. Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne. 2013. № 2. S. 47–55.