The article substantiates the necessity of formulating qualitatively new approaches to the development of both theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for the development of credit unions in Ukraine, since they can create a financial basis for
effective satisfaction of the needs of the population and business entities, promote stabilization of the socio-economic situation of the state and stimulate social and labor mobility of Ukrainian society. The historical preconditions of the formation of credit unions in the world and Ukraine are considered, their place among other financial institutions is clarified. The indicators of activity of Ukrainian credit unions are monitored, problematic aspects are highlighted. The ways of further development of credit unions are formulated. The results of SWOT-analysis of the influence of Ukrainian credit unions on the activation of social and labor mobility in Ukrainian society are highlighted. In a post-crisis situation, credit unions can act as a catalyst for social and activity mobility, which will allow them to quickly overcome the negative effects of the crisis. It is necessary to emphasize the uniqueness of the position of credit unions in the financial services market. Not only do they allow to meet a wide range of needs of the population and small business, which in turn positively influences the formation of solvent demand in the national economy. That is why the state is obligated to help the credit unions system to overcome the temporary financial turmoil caused by the general crisis in the domestic society and to continue improving the regulatory acts. Lending to small and medium-sized agricultural producers is one of the priority and most promising directions of activity of credit unions. As part of the development of agro-credit, credit unions should more actively cooperate with rural councils, advisory services, business associations, but the most effective advertising is positive feedback from borrowers using these institutions.
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