• Olena Semenenko
Keywords: conflict, conflict situation, conflict management, conflict neutralization, management methods, organizational culture and its components


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the role and place of organizational culture in the management of conflicts and conflict situations in enterprises in the context of transformation of economic relations. The importance of organizational culture for the enterprise, stimulation of development of intellectual and spiritual potential of human capital, strengthening of economic ties between subjects of market relations is highlighted. It is argued that organizational culture is not only a management tool, but also a factor in conflict situations management and the formation of a friendly micro-environment. Conceptual approaches to the emergence of conflicts are complemented by the fact that the conflict is not an independent phenomenon; it has a common connection with organizational culture, which can be both a tool for its neutralization and its source. Dependence of  management, methods and methods of organizational culture on the structural hierarchy of the enterprise is revealed. It is emphasized that the smaller the indicator of distancing power, the less the available reasons for the development of conflicts. Examples of conflict neutralization using different management styles are given. It is established that the effectiveness of management of conflict situations depends on the level of development of organizational culture. It is proved that there where there is a high level of organizational culture, where the motivated behavioral activity of employees and ethical behavior of management personnel prevails, there are more opportunities to neutralize conflicts and overcome their consequences. To ensure stability and stability in economic and psychological relations, management is encouraged to strengthen the role of social and motivational policies in the enterprise. The significance of the mobilization of conflicting parties in the development of the problem on the part of the owner is proved by using the strengths of the enterprise. Particular emphasis is placed on respecting the ethical component of managers in a dialogue with conflicting parties, which will allow the perception of conflicting personalities, their respect, frankness and trust, and gain a positive result in conflict management.


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