The article is sanctified to the ground of theoretical bases of HR-branding and to its practical application. Forming of HR-brand as
a positive image of employer assists bringing in of the best shots, their maintenance and increase of attracted in work. It maybe by
means of receipt of real advantages before competitors, forming and informing of workers about whole companies, determination of the
enterprise values and feed-back with employees. Advantages of application of HR-branding are certain in a management by personnel,
and also its basic elements. Measures are offered in relation to forming and improvement of HR-branding on the enterprise, that include
forming of positive image of employer, and also stages of introduction of HR-brand taking into account business strategy of the enterprise. Development and introduction of strong HR-brand of the enterprise, and also its effective management have such advantages:
companies with developed HR- brand can allow to pay to the employees less than, than their competitors; there always is an alternative to material reward – the social package, compensative package, quarry possibilities and such other; decline of staff turnover; increase of loyalty level of employees; becomes a company easier to attract a highly skilled personnel. Among the factors, that influence on the HR-brand of the enterprise are: existent corporate culture; the system of motivation and quarry increase; features of the offered social packages; departmental and professional development teaching; volume of compensative payments, different kinds of bonuses; stability; and even the personal qualities of staff specialist. Thus, its necessary to improve of methods and instruments of forming and realization of the development strategy of the employer brand.
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