• Myroslava Bosovska
  • Nadiia Vedmid
  • Alla Okhrimenko
Keywords: competitiveness, tourism, national tourism system, competitiveness criteria


The article is devoted to the research of the competitiveness of the national tourism system of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to substantiate factors that determine the competitiveness of the national tourism system (NTS) at the international level, study the level and problems of tourism competitiveness of Ukraine and develop proposals for its improvement. Understanding of the competitiveness of the national tourism system as an enabling environment a common strategy of the development of tourism and related industries, opportunities of producting, salling and consumption of the tourism product and competitive subjects of the tourism system is substantiated on the basis of the researches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article was the works of domestic and foreign scholars and analytical studies of the World Economic Forum and UNWTO concerning the competitiveness of tourist systems. It has been proved that increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the national tourism system and increasing the volume of tourist flows depends to a large extent on its competitiveness. The main components of competitiveness of the national tourism system of Ukraine in the global dimension, in particular groups of indices related to health and sanitation, price competitiveness, human resources and the labor market, cultural resources and business tourism, international openness are substantiated. Based on the ratings of The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness, Ukraine's role and place on the international level are determined. The main competitive advantages and disadvantages of NTS of Ukraine have been identified. The analysis of dynamics, composition and structure of tourist flows of Ukraine, which quantitatively reflect the competitiveness of NTS. Were conducted some ways to increase the competitiveness  of NTS are proposed, which can contribute to its more effective integration into the world market of services. Such measures should include promotion of the development of a competitive environment in the industry, diversification of the tourism product, improvement of the international image of Ukraine, promotion of foreign investment attraction and others.


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