• Liudmyla Titomir
  • Olena Danylova
Keywords: hotel-restaurant business, innovations, hospitality industry, development strategies, service sector, accommodation facilities


The article is sanctified to the analysis of the state of hotel-restaurant business of south of Ukraine and sent to determination of prospects of development of sphere of grant of services at application of modern marketing strategies of development. The conducted researches allowed to find out basic factors that influence on the process of forming of hotel business of this region. Basic is insufficiency of investments, absence of state legislative support and inconsistency of the regional programs of development with modern realities. Steady development of enterprises of sphere of hospitality is possible only on condition of the sufficient financing, with that on a present tense there are considerable problems in the sphere of grant of services. Complex approach at introduction of innovations is most suitable for the decision of basic problems that stand before hotel enterprises. Important is the stage-by-stage planning at that the money got on the initial stages attract financing of the following for providing. A comprehensive approach to innovation is best suited to addressing the major challenges faced by hotel companies. Stage planning is important, especially when retrofitting facilities. The initial stages should be low cost and quick payback to provide financing for the next steps. As practice shows, the main condition for successful strategies is a block system in which it is possible to quickly respond to changes in economic factors and reorientate individual units depending on the dynamics of development and the place of hospitality enterprise in the service sector. On the basis of an expert assessment of the main characteristics of a particular company, its mission is determined and a gradual block strategy is further developed. It includes the following components, important for the enterprise: reliability; resource opportunities; environmental friendliness; competitiveness (technical, technological, equipment energy saving); management of the quality of hotel services; prices of services; differentiation of services; advertising; level of service; the image of the hotel product. The definition of strategic directions of development of hotels of different categories and their marketing promotion allows to choose the best ways to improve the efficiency of the hospitality industry. Differentiating the groups of guests according to the needs and financial possibilities will allow diversifying the range of services and attracting different segments of the population and foreign tourists.


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